Real Bread in Real Life
God used real bread to heal Dawn after years of health issues. She now has a passion to help others experience healing as well. Her healing testimony can be found on the following Bread Becker podcast: Sue's Healthy Minutes
To reach and help others, Dawn founded and runs the group, Real Bread In Real Life. The group helps busy people implement real bread practically and experience the benefits to their families as well.
Click below to join the growing Real Bread in Real Life community!
Community Benefits
No Fail Fresh-Milled Flour Recipes
Tried and true recipes that will work with fresh milled flour AND will be loved by your family! The group has collections for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, and breads. You're sure to find several your family will love!
Tips, Tricks, and Strategies
We call it Real Bread in Real Life for a reason... it can be done in REAL LIFE! The community is loaded with strategies and shortcuts to help implement real bread (and cinnamon rolls) into your daily life!
Links to Deals, Announcements of Sales, and Bread Coops
Never miss a deal or the coop deadline! The community keeps you up to date on all things bread related you do not want to miss!