About Us

And Now
perdomo family

We are the Perdomo Family!  We love the Lord and love to serve Him.

Although we adhere to the whole of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, our lives can best summarized by the following two verses that explain our message and our mission: 

Our Mission: 

"Trust in YHVH and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." Psalm 37:3 

Our Message: 

"Hear the word of YHVH, O nations, and declare in the coastlands afar off, and say, “He who scattered Israel will gather him and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock.” Jeremiah 31:10 

The two primary reasons for our ministry are:

1. To grow closer to YHVH and express our love for Him through a life of trusting faithfulness. 

2. To encourage others to cultivate faithfulness in their lives.

We believe that a life of trusting faithfulness is displayed through obedience to YHVH's commandments.  Further, this life of trusting faithfulness is an expression of love toward YHVH.  By the grace of YHVH, we have been saved through faith and entered into covenant with the Holy One of Israel.  Thanks be to Yeshua (Jesus) our Saviour, who died for our sins so that we may be redeemed and restored as individuals and as a people -- Israel.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can now live in accordance to the Torah of YHVH, free from sin, as the Torah is written upon our hearts -- as the prophets foretold.  Therefore, we understand that salvation is by grace alone, and we also understand that because of this salvation, we are to live in accordance to the whole Word of God, based on the foundation of the Torah, and free from sin as the Holy Spirit writes the Torah upon our hearts.  Through all of this, God will gather His people and keep us as a shepherd keeps his flock.

Our journey has and continues to be blessed and we strive to be an example in showing that by trusting in the Lord we can cultivate (pasture, tend, graze, feed on) His faithfulness.  To YHVH be the glory!